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Mentors for Military is a veteran-owned management consulting, corporate training and development, and media company. We offer customizable corporate training and development to help organizations improve upon their most important asset, their human capital.

Our highly specialized consulting team works with leaders, and teams to influence, develop, and present business strategies and execution plans that will drive greater output, reduce costs, and improve the overall value of the organization. We are in the business of partnering with you to help your company succeed.

We also offer a very popular Podcast that airs worldwide to help share real stories from real people who want to help our listeners improve their daily lives. Mentors for Military (aka Mentors4mil) is a 2019 Top 5 Podcast on PodBean and is a Top 10 Podcast nearly every week on Apple Podcast. We are featured on nearly every podcast platform with our largest audiences in the U.S., the U.K., and Australia with over 700,000 downloads annually and growing.

Q Where can I subscribe to the podcast?

We are on nearly every podcast app. Search Mentors4mil.

Apple Podcast | SoundCloud | PodBean | Spotify

Q What type of consulting does your firm offer?

Our team has extensive experience in helping organizations achieve optimization with backgrounds in health insurance, hospitals, pharmacy benefit management, life sciences, military resource management, and data management.

Our passion and purpose are simple: Help our clients reach their greatest value through business optimization.

Q Do you offer training and development?

Yes, we offer training and development to organizations to help them improve their #1 asset: Human Capital.

Our team partners with your leadership and human resources team to identify and target the key areas of focus before developing a solution that aligns with your key objectives and include quantitative results.

Our goal is to harness and maximize the capabilities, experience, and expertise within your organization.

Q We love your podcast, but do you provide public speaking as well?

Whether a client is looking for an individual presenter or a team, we partner with our client to customize a presentation to fit their needs that is engaging and insightful to all levels of the organization.

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July, 2024




August 26,2019

  • Tuesday
  • 9:00am - 10:00am
  • Admin
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